Meals with Love - Vista/Oceanside is a nonprofit organization. Our program was founded in 1981 as an ecumenical ministry under All Saint’s Episcopal Church, along with the Golden “K” Kiwanis Club and other area churches. From opening our doors with under 20 clients and less than 4,000 meals a year, we have grown, to approximately, 132 clients and over 30,000 meals a year.

Today, we still operate from All Saint’s Episcopal Church property, using their offices, kitchen and auxiliary space. The staff consists of 1 part time personnel in administration and kitchen help, while running the rest of the entire meal program using volunteers.

Our services are geared to help people who cannot prepare meals on their own. Seniors, homebound, ill, disabled, or convalescent all receive our attention. To us, age is not an issue. As long as you call for qualified help, that’s all that counts. We are here to serve for as long as you need, whether it be years, months, or only weeks.

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